Legacy Performance Knows Exactly How You Feel

Hi, I'm Brian, the head coach at Legacy Performance
I may not have ever struggled to fit in a dress, but I know exactly how it feels to walk into a gym for the first time. Feeling nervous, not sure of what to do, or (even scarier) what NOT to do. I remember the feeling of butterflies in your stomach as you walk past the weights section, and climb onto a treadmill. I absolutely HATED that feeling.
Which is why I founded Legacy Performance. I wanted people walking through my front door to be met with a smile, a friendly face, and a community who would immediately embrace them. You should never be left alone to your own devices in a gym. You are there to be educated, encouraged, and looked after. Myself and my fellow coaches aim to do just that.
Our Coaching Is Founded on Amazing Results
Our coaching is designed to make exercise and diet as enjoyable and as effective as possible.
You aren't expected to turn your whole life upside down, just to make small changes over time that lead to significant changes.